Christmas… Just Look Around

It is meant to be read on Christmas Eve.

The symbolism of Christmas is likely in the room with you. As you look around you will find items that point to Christ the Savior Born on Christmas Day.

The star on the top of the Tree represents the Star of David, guiding Wisemen, Shepherds, and even the animals of the fields to worship Jesus. Just as you have traveled to be here tonight, when you look at the Star on the top of this tree remember the Wisemen who traveled nearly three years to see the Christ Child, because of a Star as a beacon of greatness given to man.

The lights of the Tree represent the night sky that the Shepherds saw while they where watching their flocks.  That night it was cold and clear and in the twinkling lights of the tree you should be reminded of the sky that would be filled with a “multitude of heavenly hosts” represented by the ornaments.  The significance of the Angels in the tree is important.

The Tree itself should serve as a reminder of the wood and pine bows that made up the stable where Jesus was born.  The manger was not a bed, but rather it was a stable… barely a shelter for animals.  Jesus was born a VERY common man.

Then of course there are presents under the Tree.  These presents represent the finest gifts the travelers from a far brought to give the baby Jesus.  Frankincense, Gold, and Myrrh were very valuable.  They were the finest things the travelers had to offer.  Remember they were given to a baby in a wooden manger.   The finest gifts in the land were given to a child born, not a palace,  not in a home, but in a barn.  The wisemen are called wisemen because of the divine wisdom that miraculously guided them over a thousand miles.  He was no ordinary Child.  Each of these gifts are celebration of giving the very best to those that we care about.  A gift in the spirit of Christmas is given to represent the “finest” things we have to offer.

That we are gathered here tonight symbolizes the night that Christ was born.  The symbols of the Wisemen and the Shepherds are represented in our house tonight by our guests.  Our family represents the inn keeper who offered the only room he had to give to Joseph and Mary. It is the fulfillment of the representation of Christmas that families gather on this night.  It is the celebration of Christ’s birthday.  Whereever you are on Christmas you represent someone who was present that night in Bethlehem.  Even our animals gather in the presence of Christ tonight.

Tonight, Christ is represented by the Bible placed before you.  It is the literal representation of the word of God.   Jesus who was born on this day would change the world over the next 33 years of his life.  In the Holy Bible, you will find the words in red that are the commands, counseling, and love that he gave the world, that has endured for more than 2000 years.    This is what the Celebration of Christmas is.  It is what I want it to be for my family. When you look around the room tonight and in the years to come.  See the real meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate.

-Brent Lane


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